Have you noticed how the faces of celebrities are much prettier? Most celebrities are already beautiful, but in recent years that beauty has become even more pronounced. The answer to this is that the vast majority adhered to Facial Harmonization, but what is it?

Facial harmonization is a set of aesthetic procedures combined to improve the harmony of the face, transforming the features and treating facial aging, characterized by loss of skin elasticity, tissue, muscle and fat loss.

How it works? 

The first step taken to carry out a Facial Harmonization is to analyze the shape of a person's face, which is particular to each one. Different techniques are combined to carry out the procedures, according to the objective of each patient and the area to be treated. Therefore, it is important to have a multidisciplinary service and good professionals for a satisfactory result!

In the first consultation with the professional responsible for the procedure, an entire analysis of the patient's face is carried out to understand which substances will be used and where on the face. In general, the most used substances in facial harmonization are hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxin (known by the brand name, Botox) and collagen. Once the insertion points are defined, the professional applies the substances in the ideal amount for a good result.

Facial harmonization is highly sought after by those who want to improve the appearance of their skin after problems with acne, expression marks or just improve the symmetry of the face. The medical evaluation stage is essential to understand whether the patient has any dermatological problems that could interfere with the success of the procedure. In addition, it is necessary to understand how facial harmonization will enhance the characteristics of that face naturally, respecting the individuality of each face.

The Procedure is painful? 

It is possible to perform facial harmonization with the use of local anesthesia, in some cases. Because it is a minimally invasive procedure and because of the fine-tipped needle used, the patient usually does not feel pain during the application.

How is the recovery of facial harmonization? 

It is possible to return to routine on the same day that the procedure is performed in the doctor's office.